Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Purpose of Grades

Purpose for Grades

Bailey & McTighe state, “the primary purpose….of grades is to communicate student achievement to students, parents, school administrators, post-secondary institutions & employers” RHS mission statement reads “is to promote personal & academic excellence in all students.”  To achieve this mission statement I need to assess my students on academics/grades and personal/behavior.  Currently I have not done a good job at separating the two missions.  I have been conditioned to produce a grade for the grade book and really have not been given guidelines of how to obtain that grade.  As I reflect on my current practices I get a little depressed.  I realize the many grades I’ve published really may not have reflected a true picture of that student’s achievement.  I could safely bet that most of my failing or D- students received that grade not from their performance but lack of.  So did I grade on achievement or behavior? 

I do believe that both aspects, achievement & behavior, need to be addressed in the educational setting, but I can see where there is a need to separate behavior from achievement.  As educators where do we begin if we want a report card/transcript to reflect a true achievement grade to the students, parents, school administrators, post-secondary institutions, & employers?  Clarification, I feel, is the first step. The first BIG FIX. All entities need to be on the same page when it requires documenting a grade for a student.   Achievement needs to be clearly stated that educators will give grades on clearly organized summative assessments.  Formative assessments and practice do not determine grades, nor should behavior.  If we are to adapt this policy we need to have a report card that separates achievement from behavior.  Am I sold on the “Standards Base” report card, not really, but a document that shows both aspects of the mission statement yes.  Behavior is a big part of the education system and needs to be addressed to give a whole picture of the student. 

I feel that grades are broken when they mix achievement and nonachievement elements.  The fix is to report them separately and that will be my first big fix.